Monday, May 25, 2009

you need your "space".

whenever something doesnt go as planned, you need your space. you think im possessive?? is it a bad thing that i want you all to myself or is that too much to ask from my girlfriend that claims she loves me with all her heart? you say you want to marry me, but you dont. if you did, you would want to live with me. marriage is a union, you dont live in separate houses. " i think thatmost relationships fail because the people spend too much time together". are you serious? all we have is distance. next time you need your space, i'll just give it to you. im leaving it up to you to come back this time. you put me through so much and all you care about is that its hard for YOU. what about ME? am i not a part of this relationship too? does it even matter anymore? you said that its a problem that i even have to ask you if you still love me. what am i supposed to think when you lie about everything and you dont even want my picture on your myspace anymore "because it makes the page uneven"..?? "ive just been lazy. that doesnt mean i dont want people to know i have a boyfriend. everyone knows". so you shield me from everyone because youre lazy? are you kidding me? the symmetry of your page is more important to you than having me on it? you were all over mine and you even got mad when i took off a few words. where does the double standard end and the reality set in? apparently never because youre just as unrealistic as you ever were. you think its stupid that i dont want you hugging other guys, but you get mad when i talk to girls in class. im just talking to them. you need to get over it. 
Now, you tell me you need your space, but i know that youre just going to come crawling back again. you know why? because thats what you always do. you realize at the end of the day that i am the best thing in your life and you dont want to lose me. you know what happens when you push me away? i feel like you dont want me anymore, so i brace myself. i get ready for a breakup because i feel like its coming. you should be kissing my feet. i too you back after you kissed someone else, lied about huge things in your life, and you even lied about when you quit smoking! like really amanda?? i have been completely honest with you since day one. and even when i fucked up i told you. you actually thought you had the right to be mad. ha. i thought you did too, that is, until i found out who you really are. who you are is a liar and an immature teenage girl. but for some reason, im deeply in love with you. even after all that, i still have this paralyzing fear of losing you. i dont want to lose you, i cant lose you. now im actually sitting here pouring my heart out and you will never  know how i feel. if only you did know, how much i actually love you. actually, i think you do, but you take it for granted. you take me for granted and complain about everything else in your life. i even listen, i even help you. whatever. im close to my breaking point and you put me here. this is your fault. im sorry if this is how it ends.